We are looking for On-Site Manager in Shenzhen

Woodenshark is a talented and focused group of multidisciplinary creatives that develop products with a purpose providing unparalleled quality in every detail, each step of the way. Combining expertise in design and engineering with a passion for innovation.


- Fluent Chinese language
- Deep understanding of Chinese cultural, business, and technological environment

Scope of tasks:
- Search for manufacturing, testing, supply, and logistics contractors
- Electronic, mechanical, and supplementary components sourcing
- Factory on-site setup, control, and reporting
- On-site QA enforcement
- Organizing small parcels within Guangdong
- Organizing small parcels between HK and Guangdong companies

- Factories and other companies in Shenzhen, Bao’an, and all over Guangdong.
- Sometimes - visits to HK if needed

Payment types:
- Hourly rate
- Wire payment transfer
- Paid no later than 15th day of next month after service provided
- Variable tasks with alternating workload (from 3 to 8 hrs)



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