我提供在莫斯科购买中国古董。 照片。

下午好。. 我做中国古董。我住在莫斯科。 我今年63岁。 在莫斯科和俄罗斯有很多中国古董。 有中国着名艺术家齐白石,1952年的木刻。 齐白石1958年的木刻有12幅。 有1880年和1900年的中国和日本花瓶。 有很多中国家具和绘画。不同的学校。 艺术家。 风格。有俄罗斯艺术家的现代绘画。 它们可以在中国进行有利可图的买卖。我不懂中文和英文。 我在电子翻译的帮助下进行交流。 你有机会在莫斯科买这个古董吗? 还是在俄罗斯?还有1949年毛泽东送给苏联部长的礼物。 有来自Buran太空船的细节。 有一个主题-空间-齐奥尔科夫斯基的书籍,物品和宇航员的个人物品。 普京的亲笔签名。写。. 你个人想在莫斯科买什么。 ?我很高兴听到你的回答。 我想和你合作。多謝。.这是一张照片。真诚的,维塔利。 莫斯科。

Good afternoon. I do Chinese antiques .I live in Moscow. I am 63 years old. There are a lot of Chinese antiques in Moscow and Russia. There are woodcuts by the famous Chinese artist Qi Baishi, 1952. There are 12 woodcuts of Qi Baishi from 1958. There are Chinese and Japanese vases from 1880 and 1900. There are a lot of Chinese furniture and paintings.Different schools . artists. Style.There are modern paintings by Russian artists. They can be bought and sold profitably in China.I do not know Chinese and English. I communicate with the help of an electronic translator. do you have the opportunity to buy this antique in Moscow? or in Russia ?There is also a gift from Mao to the Soviet minister in 1949. There are details from the Buran spacecraft. There is a theme- Space - Tsiolkovsky's books, Objects and personal belongings of astronauts. Putin's autograph.Write.. What do YOU personally want to buy in Moscow. ?I am glad to hear your answer. I want to cooperate with you.thanks.here's a photo.sincerely , Vitaly . Moscow.

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